Paints, Stains & Coatings - Waterproofing/Repellents


Bring out the beauty of your wood with exterior wood staining products from Cabot® Stain.

Subcategory: Remover/Thinner/Cleaner, Sealers, Stains, Surface Preparation, Waterproofing/Repellents
Application: Decks, Docks, Exterior, Wood


EPOXYShield® features Rust-Oleum Cross-Linking Technology™ to provide maximum adhesion, durability and protection that is unachievable with one-time paints.

Subcategory: Coatings, Surface Preparation, Waterproofing/Repellents
Application: Concrete/Masonry, Driveways

Rust-Oleum WATCO products are an easy-to-use family of oil finishes that penetrate deeply into wood.

Subcategory: Finishes & Varnishes, Primer/Sealer/Undercoat, Remover/Thinner/Cleaner, Stains, Waterproofing/Repellents
Application: Wood